Projects > Eagle Project

For my eagle project, I planned and led the restoration and beautification of Rhododendron Park, working with the City of Kenmore, the Kenmore Senior Society, and the American Rhododendron Society.

I recruited and coordinated 25+ volunteers, who contributed 127.49 man hours of work transplanting approximately 176 old and rare azaleas and rhododendrons at Rhododendron Park in Kenmore, Washington.

Here’s a picture of the temporary holding area for approximately 176 azaleas and rhododendrons.


There were three work days, with 127.49 man hours of work total.

Lunch break

Transplanting the large and heavy plants was tiring work, so we took a break to relax and eat lunch.

After restoration

After three exhausting days of work, it was extremely rewarding to see the results of our work and to see the families, seniors, and the community enjoy the revitalized park.


Carl Olsson

Engineer, musician, and lifelong learner. Loves building things